Friday, January 10, 2014

There is funny - THEN there is Be Bold with Bananas

I hate to resort to theft or plagiary on my second blog post but this deserves sharing far and wide - I linked to it through 21 Truly Upsetting Vintage Foods - (and they are) but it took me to Amazon who  took me to Huffington Post (always good for a laugh) took me to Book Riot and Liberty Hardy - so I give them ALL credit for sharing but do have to assume the original author is Liberty Hardy- what I DO know is it's funnier than Bill Hadar's James Carville - it's  FUNNIER than James Carville's Carville --  and it's a REAL book, REALLY published entitled Be Bold with Bananas - not kidding.  If you do not share my enthusiasm for this literary treasure - that's okay - it IS my blog and I AM senile:

When Used Books Attack: Banana Edition

  First Posted: 12/28/11 09:24 AM ET Updated: 12/28/11 09:24 AM ET

Funny Used Book
By Liberty Hardy for Book Riot:
At the bookstore where I work, we carry used books as well as new. People drop off boxes of their books, and we go through them and decide what we would like to sell in the store. We mostly receive fiction and nonfiction paperbacks, but occasionally, there is something delightful and unusual in the batch: An old Agatha Christie book in French; a book of poems about unicorns; a children’s book called “Arlo, the Dandy Lion”. But Tom, the store’s owner, found a book yesterday morning that can only be classified under ‘Things That Will Make You Claw at Your Own Eyes’. Behold: BE BOLD WITH BANANAS.

No, this is not Josephine Baker’s autobiography. It is a cookbook. A horrifying, horrifying cookbook. Released by Crescent Books, it has no publication date inside, but a search of the internet yielded a few mentions, putting its release somewhere in the early seventies. The photos certainly suggest the seventies – every picture has a burnt umber or sienna tone. The description on the back cover states, “Among the extraordinary features of this book are the beautiful, full-page, color photographs of many of the delectable recipes.”
The description on the back SHOULD say, “There are photographs in this book that will have you questioning the existence of God. There are pictures in this book that will make you burst into tears. Reading this book may put you off eating forever.” Case in point:

What is that on the left? Are those intestines?!? DO NOT WANT. Almost every photo in here is stomach-churning. All I can imagine is that the person who came up with the idea for this book did so moments before they had to present their next idea to their boss.
BAD IDEA PERSON: I’m due to present a new cookbook at a meeting in five minutes and I’ve still got nothing.
BAD IDEA PERSON’S CO-WORKER: Oh, man, that stinks.
BAD IDEA PERSON: Can I throw a couple of ideas out and see what you think?
BAD IDEA PERSON: Get Great with Grapes. Keep Cutting Edge with Kumquats. Seem Sexy with Salmon.
BAD IDEA PERSON’S CO-WORKER: Ugh. Those are horrible.
BAD IDEA PERSON: Be Bold with Bananas.
BAD IDEA PERSON’S CO-WORKER: Not good at all, but the least awful.
BAD IDEA PERSON: I’ll take that. Thanks, buddy.
I am not sure how this cookbook was approved, but apparently, to look at it, the big selling point was photos of the recipes as they would appear after they had been eaten.

Now, I have nothing against bananas. I am in need of potassium as much as the next person. And while I do not eat them on a regular basis, I am not opposed to banana bread, or the occasional banana sliced up in a bowl of Rice Krispies. But I would eat a puppy before I would eat anything suggested in this book. Banana Sausages. Banana and Fish Salad. Banana Nests. (That right there sounds like a banana infestation.) This brings us to the last photo I am going to share with you. The only explanation for this next picture is that someone at the printing press slipped it in as a joke at the last minute. SPOILER: This is the most horrifying thing ever. Ready?

This monstrosity is called a Banana Candle, which consists of a banana stuck in a pineapple slice, with mayonnaise and a maraschino cherry on top. And it is a crime against nature. If someone brought this into my home, I would slap them, and then burn my house down and salt the ground where it stood. This photo is the reason flocks of birds inexplicably die and fall to the ground. Goats and gangrene, who approved this picture??? Imagine my horror – I actually touched this book.
Thus concludes today’s episode of “When Used Books Attack.” If you find you are still not sufficiently disturbed, go Google “salmon wiggle”.

I have not laughed this hard since my last divorce - 14 years ago TODAY - and reminds me  in more ways than one of that wretched man and it has everything to do with his nickname "Quick Draw"

Captain's Log Date 10 January the year of our Lord Two Thousand Fourteen.   Will update as more becomes available for me to  plagiarize

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Year's Resolution - to Create a BLOG

to every other person on Planet Earth this may seem like a small feat, a tiny task, a limp noodle, a peat and repeat of 19??? through 2013 - it may be something you do hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or  not at all,  just something you TALK about doing.  But for me it is my New Year's Resolution. The only one I made, the only one I'll keep or have kept -- ever,  in my life or may ever BE in my life ... so allow me this one little extravagance - this tiny bit of techno joy, allow me to relish in the glory of, the joy of, the whipped cream on my body during sex of, the smashing my virgin cherry of  ......  creating a BLOG..... BETTER YET finding a heretofore untapped name on the VERY FIRST TRY!!!!!

Okay,  now the conundrum.... do I light a cigarette after this? Was this amazing enough to even CONSIDER lighting a cigarette?  Did I achieve the wonder of a blogger's orgasm?  Did you?  Did my keyboard thunder and quake -- did it tremble at my nimble, dancing fingers?  Was it as good for  you as it was for me? OR WORSE, FAR WORSE, TRAGICALLY "is that all there is  to it?"  Was this IT? should I add some flaming color? or cool  the mood with some frigid blues to match these historic apparently PLANET-WIDE temperatures? is  it appropriate to insert a photograph of something precious, something treasure above all things - the ONLY  creature on this miserable planet that means anything whatsoever to me?  My BELOVED, SLEEPY-HEAD, 14 year old (this coming  June 5), fluffy tailed, 70 lb., shepherd/chow mix Ranger-Danger?

OR should  I include the 1000+ photos I have of  him ---- on my cell phone or the quintuple that  which I have on my hard drive?? --- OR SHALL I CALL THIS A RESOUNDING SUCCESS AT KEEPING MY NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION and sparing you any furtherance of today's voyage  into the conundrums of a senile  senior citizen? HOISTING ANCHOR  AND SAILING ON MATES. 

Captain's Log Date 8 January the year of our Lord Two Thousand Fourteen.   Will update as more is learned of this creature the Senile Conundrums of a Senior Blogger